Home > Uncategorized > Inspired by a couple of Buddhist monks

Inspired by a couple of Buddhist monks

This idea of… presence… the idea that one has to consider the person sitting across from them and not just the pathology. It’s damn difficult to be sure – the experienced clinicians seamlessly switch between seeing a person they’re having a conversation with and seeing the list of pathology of the patient. It’s difficult to be both personable and coldly rational simultaneously. The person in front of you is having the worst day of their life and is allowing you in in their most vulnerable moment. The patient has signs and symptoms and a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

Also inspired by the talk the monks gave: “Armor dents. Clay molds.” – by armoring yourself you’ll just take hit after hit until eventually the armor shatters, and you along with it. Molding to situations, adapting to them, being with the people you’re caring for improves resiliency.


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